Fri, 19 April 2024




Benefits of Energy Healing

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The benefits to be enjoyed as the result of an energy healing session may take many varied forms and unfold over several days or weeks.

Here are some expected benefits of energy healing:

• You’ll experience yourself being more resourceful and open to meeting new helpful people, adopting new ideas and discovering new options.
• Relationships improve because you are thinking, choosing, communicating, or acting in more positive ways, with greater ease.
• The choices you make are smarter, as a result of better understanding.
• You have more energy and feel more motivated to be productive.
• Increased physical vitality.
• You meet life’s challenges with more strength and confidence.

Everyone’s results are unique and what benefits you reap depends on what you ask for. At the start of a session, you will be asked to declare what you want to change in your life. The healer then tunes in to your spirit guides and guardian angels and uses energy healing techniques to make those changes. There is no physical touching, so the session can occur in person or long distance.

Lighten Up
Sometimes you may find yourself carrying energy that feels dense and weighs you down. An emotional burden makes every effort especially taxing. You may seek relief and, when it comes, feel like you have lightened up.

Some people who have such dense energy often find it challenging to open up in relationships and to share their feelings with others. If you find yourself only feeling safe with only one or two individuals, it might be healthier for you to share more with others and engage with a wider community of people. Energy healing can create a swirl that removes the obstacles to engagement from your heart and fill it instead with courage and light-heartedness. Many people report that they can tangibly feel a lift happen. Having experienced such a shift, you will find it easier to engage with others, to socialize and to share meaningful communication in a light-hearted way.

Get Centered
Some people who have a scattered energy field will become over-extended and stressed out. Do you spread yourself too thin, making promises to many people? Given as much as you do for others, do you still find it difficult to have very close intimate relationships? You may find that your energy is too diffuse, scattered. Were it to be brought together and stabilized, you would feel centered, whole. When you are centered, it’s easier to share your inner self with those you love. An energy healing gathers your energy until you feel more centered. Many report that when they feel centered and whole after energy healing, people respond to them like metal to a magnet. Instead of you trying to take care of the world, the world will take care of you.

Become Unstuck
Energy healers remove energy blocks, like rocks from a stream, allowing a more powerful flow of life. With more flow, you may experience more inspiration, ideas, creative solutions, motivation and physical health. Sometimes, simply removing the block isn't enough to stimulate a shift in your energy and in addition you receive an infusion of new, fresh energy to recharge your system. During the session, you may come to a revelation about decisions made long ago, which caused you to go down a particular pathway. That understanding opens the possibilities for you to live life as never before. Once your energy is changed, you'll find taking new directions seems much easier than before.

Transform How You Feel
Have you complaints about how you feel? Too tired, cranky, irritable, or nervous? Ever feel like you aren't yourself, or wish you didn't experience so many events as threats or setbacks? When our energy is blocked or disturbed, we feel ill at ease. You know something is wrong, but what specifically may not be clear to you. An energy healing session can bring swift relief from those unwanted feelings. By replace negative energies with positive ones, you can gain clarity and insight about your life. After a healing energy session, you are likely to feel blissful and peaceful. And you will emerge with a plan to sustain the improved awareness.

Be Prepared for a New Life
You can partner with your angel guides by using the information received during the session to make progress towards your healing goal. Following a healing session, you may feel like you are born again, in new skin. Give your new self a chance to get accustomed to this new way of life. For at least two or three days following an energy healing:
• Take care of yourself–drink plenty of clean water and eat light and healthy.
• Be cautious about your activities; stick with positive, life-affirming experiences. For example, limit your exposure to TV, news or extreme entertainment such as action or horror movies.
• Reduce the time you spend time with any negative people or stressful situations. You can’t afford to go back to where they are.
• After a few days, simply resume your normal activities and notice any changes in your thoughts or feelings.

What accounts for the powerful transformation that occurs in an energy healing? One theory is based on the laws of physics. The mainstream scientific community generally accepts the existence of dark matter, as is explained on Wikipedia as:

“Dark matter is a type of matter hypothesized to account for a large part of the total mass in the universe. Dark matter cannot be seen directly with telescopes; evidently it neither emits nor absorbs light or other electromagnetic radiation at any significant level. Instead, its existence and properties are inferred from its gravitational effects on visible matter, radiation, and the large-scale structure of the universe.”

Maybe it is this mysterious dark matter to which a healer attunes and through which she can channel healing energy into the person seeking help.


Date: 15 June 2013Author: Reverend Octavia Brooks
Credits Publisher: Rev Octavia hosts the internet offering Mother Mary channelings, guided meditations, spiritual coaching and energy healing
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Rev Octavia Brooks

Rev Octavia Brooks has been dedicated to spiritual service with a diverse background including a strong connection with Nature, the Divine Feminine, Christianity, energy healing and New Age concepts. From her internet Temple, she offers Mother Mary channeling webcasts (see events), guided…

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