Thu, 25 April 2024





A Forbidden Word: Diet

Year after year, the word "diet" has slowly disappeared from the packagings. Paper boxes, bottles, cans containing low calories food have now a more subtle way to convey their contents.

The food industry is aware that the very sound of the word "diet" recalls the idea of sacrifice, of feeling hungry, possibly of being in a bad mood. This is why they have replaced it with something that doesn't remind you of the effort you are making, but of the reward at the end of the process. "Healthy" or "Good for You", "Light Choices" are some of the replacements.

According to research we use 3 to 7 seconds for every choice we make in a supermarket aisle. Not much. The message - the lighter one - must hit us immediately and, possibly, inspire us instead of reminding us of our grumbling stomach, craving for a cheeseburger.

Photo: The Gallery


Date: 8 July 2014
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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