Thu, 25 April 2024





A New Religion for China

China may try to create a religion based on Christianity. Its own brand of Christianity, that is.

According to Wang Zuoan, a senior official for religious affairs, the Chinese government may not oppose to Christianity, but "the construction of Chinese Christian theology should adapt to China's national condition," the state-backed China Daily website reports.

Christians in China are reported to be between 35 and 40 millions, mostly Protestants, but China's ruling Communist Party is officially atheistic and relations with the church have sometimes been strained. People are only supposed to worship in places approved by the government, but many underground churches operate in China too.

The number of adepts is growing and the authorities are alarmed. One of the solutions could be to back a Christian theology that integrates the religion with Chinese culture and is compatible with the country's socialist beliefs.

Does it sound a little artificial? Sure, but for the government it could be a brilliant strategic solution for the problem of mass control.

Photo: Livenet


Date: 9 August 2014
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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