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Alexander The Great?

"We are watching in awe and with deep emotion the excavation in Amphipolis." These are the words of the Greek Culture Minister Konstantinos Tasoulas. The whole country shares his surprise - and an irrepressible curiosity: who is buried in this huge tomb?

As he said, "This is a burial monument of unique dimensions and impressive artistic mastery. The most beautiful secrets are hidden right underneath our feet."

In early August, a team of Greek archaeologists led by Katerina Peristeri unearthed what officials say is the largest burial site ever to be discovered in Greece. It surpasses in dimension and importance even that of the father of Alexander the Great. Greece is watching and guessing. The magnificence of the tomb indicates that the person buried there was very, very important. Maybe Alexander's mother, Olympias, or his wife, Roxana…

The excavation is painstakingly slow, as there is the danger of collapses in the chambers. Three of them have been so far discovered.

The inhabitants of the small village of Mesolakkia, the closest to the site, are convinced it is the burial site of Alexander himself. Who could deserve such splendor if not him?

Greece and the world are watching as a wondrous fragment of history emerges miraculously from the past.

Photo: Nerit


Date: 23 September 2014
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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