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Astrology and Medicine Together

A British MP of the conservative party that recently declared his belief in astrology. According to David Tredinnick, a member of the health committee and the science and technology committee, the Indian astrological system Iahiri and the way it was used by that country's government proved successful. Chris Patten, Britain's last governor of Hong Kong, had an official astrologer, whom Mr Tredinnick had consulted while on a parliamentary delegation there.

According to the MP, the government should consider the idea of introducing the idea of astrology in its overview about health.

He said he had been the subject of much ridicule for his beliefs over the years, but he holds his ground: "I am absolutely convinced that those who look at the map of the sky for the day that they were born and receive some professional guidance will find out a lot about themselves and it will make their lives easier," he declared.

Photo: Himalayan Academy


Date: 28 July 2014
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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