Fri, 19 April 2024





Beware - Potholes!

A creative way to make your art useful for people, and an ironic way to remind your city administration that they should do something about potholes left open. This is what Guerrilla Creative House is doing in Almaty.

The capital of Kazakhstan has a lot of problems, and potholes are just one. The administration has trouble keeping up with the city's needs. But the possibility of a ruinous fall is real. That's why its inhabitants are expressed gratefulness in mass to Guerrilla for equipping many of Almaty's potholes with fake legs with brightly coloured socks as a way to signal the danger.

The effect is of someone stuck head on in them. And they are quite visible from a distance. Kazakh pedestrians and drivers said thank you on the social media.

Photo: NewsDay


Date: 4 July 2014
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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