Wed, 24 April 2024





Cranky? Think twice

The danger of a heart attack shoots up after an outburst of anger. The risk has been quantified by a study published in an European medical journal in a rise of 8.5 times in the two hours following an acute episode of anger.

So, rage is bad for you. And for rage they mean very angry, with a very tense body, maybe fists clenched: ready to burst - literally.

The suggestion is to manage the feeling of anger with alternative strategies, the first of all is to try not to reach the bursting point. Anger management has become a subject of study and of self training, with a path that starts with self analysis to cognitive restructuring, to a change of attitude that steers towards the skill of problem solving. A substantial part of the problem lays in a lack of effective communication. A touch of life-saving humour can defuse most diplomatic crisis. Definitely worth a try, unless we want to inflict a damage to ourselves just by shouting at others

Photo: Vijesti


Date: 26 February 2015
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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