Thu, 25 April 2024





Don't Worry About…

Australia's independent cancer control organisation, Cancer Council Australia, has created a website that aims to dispel rumours about cancer.

When it comes to cancer risks, it is important to keep things in perspective. So whether there is no doubt that obesity and lack of exercise pose a risk, there are other behaviour that won't harm us.

Plastic water bottles are safe: The plastic in water bottles contains no dioxins at all that can be released in case you freeze, heat or reuse them.

Sugar, that some claim feeds cancer cells and should thus be avoided in case of illness, is not a threat. All cells in the body use sugars as fuel. So do cancer cells. But this doesn't mean eating sugar will make cancer cells grow faster or even cause cancer.

Microwaves are a form of radiation but they are not known to cause cancer. Microwaves are a type of low energy radiation called 'non-ionising' radiation, which is different from the high energy radiation in X-rays, which can damage DNA.

Breast cancer starts in the breast and spreads to the lymph nodes, not the other way around. There is no evidence that the aluminum contained in deodorants can lead to cancer.

Photo: NWS


Date: 20 February 2016
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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