Thu, 25 April 2024





Just A Little Walk

The subject of the study is anything but new, but the outcome was surprising. As the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Sport reports, a quick stroll around the block at lunchtime can do quite a dramatic difference in your working day.

On the days after a lunchtime walk of about 10 minutes, the volunteers that took part to the study said they felt less tense, more enthusiastic, more relaxed and able to cope versus on the days when they didn't walk and even compared to the mornings before they walked. Not to mention the aerobic input to the whole organism.

The positive effects of the 10 minutes walk are triggered almost instantaneously and seem to be long lasting, also allowing more productivity at work. Body and mind both benefit extraordinarily from the little exercise.

But whether the effort is limited, the real pro

Photo: Healthy


Date: 10 February 2017
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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