Tue, 23 April 2024





Meringues Without Eggs

Yes, meringues without eggs are possible. And the substitute for egg white is the most surprising ingredient ever: chickpea liquid.

When opening a can of cooked chickpeas we usually pour down the drain the brine, the so called aquafaba (from aqua = water and faba = beans). This liquid can replace whipped egg whites in your vegan baked goods, including meringues.

All you need to do is to treat it as if it were egg white: whip it with a mixer and use it to bake meringues, to make cakes, mayonnaise, creams of all sorts, even cappuccino foam for those who don't drink milk.

French chef Joel Roessel is said to have discovered the magic powers of aquafaba. The word is spreading fast and more and more people are trying it, sharing their recipes on social networks.

Photo: Vegan Society


Date: 19 June 2015
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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