Sat, 20 April 2024





Out Of Beat

It is estimated that 2-3% of the population is affected by what is called "beat deafness".

It is that peculiar inability to tap a rhythm syncronised with a music. What will make a terrible dancer out of people which otherwise have the ability to move gracefully.

This strange condition of being out of sync has been investigated recently by Caroline Palmer, researcher at the University of Montreal.

She noticed that supposedly beat-deaf people are actually able to tap a regular rhythm in the absence of music, on their own tune. It is only when faced with the task to adjust to an external stimulus that they start to hesitate, struggling to keep up - especially if the tempo changes its speed. According to her observations, the real problem lies on a deep lack of confidence that impairs their capacity to align with the circumstances. As if deep down in their psyche there were an ingrained reflex of denial, that blocks the harmonisation between external rhythm and inner beat. An interesting point of view, still to be explored.

Photo: Dance Baby Dance


Date: 12 November 2014
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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