Thu, 25 April 2024





Prophecy With Prehnite

Its capacity to connect with spiritual guides helps you to refine intuition, a precognition of things to come. Stone of prophecy, prehnite helps you to prepare for future events. Linked to the Heart chakra and the Solar Plexus chakra, it channels passions and desires into actions. Inner truths come to the surface, hidden knowledge of all kind reach consciousness. Prehnite can open a new chapter of awareness in one's life. Love and hatred become evident even if hidden under layers of secrecy and silence.

Prehnite heightens the flow of pure, essential vital energy through the body while soothing the mind. Effective against anxiety and indecision, it helps in the process of visualization during meditation. Dreams become more frequent in its presence. Signs and messages through daydreaming are delivered with unusual clarity, while nightmares during sleep are kept at bay.

Useful for kidneys and bladder, it supports the process of healing through the realignment of meridians.

Photo: Gems Royal


Date: 23 August 2015
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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