Thu, 25 April 2024





Redraw Your Map With Lepidolite

A member of the mica group, Lepidolite has a pearly lustre that enhances the beauty of its colours: pink, gray, lilac, yellow, all in soft, pastel shades.

Its main influence is detectable as a calming, soothing energy that Lepidolite infuses in the surrounding environment.

The intensity of negative emotions is counterbalanced by its yin resonance. All forms of stress - anxiety, irritability, mood swings, depression, even addiction - can visibly benefit by this powerful stone's presence. A natural activator of the throat, heart and third eye chakra, it can also stimulate the intellect.

Lepidolite encourages independence and achieving goals without outside help, supporting through transitions and helping to redraw the map of the Self in moments of deep spiritual crisis.

Lepidolite dissipates the negativity related to obsessions and can be of help in case of anorexia, PTSD, behavioural problems like hyperactivity, and depression. Alcoholism recovery is easier with its support. It is said to facilitate astral travel.

Once used to alleviate the symptoms of epilepsy, it was believed to be of help also in joint problems and to numb neuralgia.

Lepidolite can also help alleviate disorders of the skin, such as acne and eczema. It clears electromagnetic pollution and should be placed on computers to absorb the emanations. Its emotional balance can bring better sleep and will aid in recalling important dreams, offering a calm approach to new revelations about oneself.

Photo: Gemphora


Date: 14 February 2016
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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