Tue, 16 April 2024





The Gym Etiquette

Have you started a new fitness class recently? If you did, enthusiasm is still high, like goodwill and fun. But sooner or later we all get annoyed with the behaviour of some of your classmates.

There is an etiquette to observe in every place where people gather to exercise, be it ballet or karate.

Focus on your workout, not everyone else's: no one needs your advice, refrain from "helping" others. If you are genuinely concerned that someone might injure himself, tap a trainer on the shoulder and politely say, "Hey, I think that person over there could use some help." Focusing on your workout also means not staring at people as they are doing theirs.

Keep it clean: if you sweat a lot and use communal machines, mats or weights, make sure to wipe them clean every time you've finished.

Keep grunts to a minimum (this is for men): if an exercise is so hard to make you grind your teeth, keep the effort to yourself without advertising your bravery to everyone in the room.

Don't occupy several pieces of equipment at a time. Respect other people's turns. Don't spread your stuff around - keep it confined in one place, and make sure it doesn't get in other people's way.

Last, but most important: leave your cellphone at home! Not only would your conversations annoy everyone in the room, but you'll spoil the short time you can dedicate to yourself.

Happy workout!

Photo: Free Signs


Date: 1 October 2014
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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