Thu, 18 April 2024





The Secrets of Onyx

Onyx will store under its black, secretive surface the memory of events that happened in your life. It will reveal secrets to those sensitive enough to understand its vibration.

Strength flows from it, enhancing the capacity to take decisions and to rule on one's own destiny. Onyx promotes vigour and stamina in difficult moments like the loss of a beloved person. Its action as a catalyst of higher energy can be a bridge between different planes of existence.

Mostly black, it occurs also in dark shades of grey and blue. If worn around the neck, onyx is said to help in maintaining control. Excesses of lust and strong emotions can be held at bay while focusing on important tasks.

Teeth and bones benefit from its closeness. It is said to clean the blood, and to be of assistance in any condition affecting the skin.

Another important property of onyx is its capacity to balance the yin and the yang, the male and the female. Dualities reach a harmonic state while it fortifies self confidence.

Photo: Kwiat


Date: 26 April 2015
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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