Tue, 16 April 2024





Tongue Scraping For General Health

While we take care daily of our teeth, we hardly do anything to clean our tongue, as Ayurveda actually recommends.

But the ancient practice of tongue scraping ensures a fresh breath and a higher hygiene of the mouth.

Dedicated tongue cleaners, or scrapers, are available on the market, in plastic or metal. They should be used gently on the tongue for 5 to 10 times for each session once a day.

It is surprising to see how much bacterial build-up can be removed with just this simple routine. And the benefits stretch far beyond the mouth itself. The bacteria and fungi that grow on the tongue are related to many common oral care and general health problems. A lower level of bacteria in the mouth can help the overall balance of the body.

Photo: WikiHow


Date: 26 August 2016
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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