Thu, 25 April 2024





Without a Toothbrush

Cleaning our teeth with toothbrush and paste is the norm for us, but how do other culture manage to keep up with oral hygiene?

The most used method is to break a twig in half, splay and soften the broken end and then rub it on the teeth, wiping their surface clean.

Arab Bedouin tribes for example still clean their teeth by using the twigs of the arak tree, which contains antiseptic properties. Other Muslim and African cultures use a similar stick, called miswak, which naturally has a high concentration of cavity-fighting fluoride.

No discarded - and non-recyclable - toothbrushes then. Only a small twig, that once used goes back to nature.

Photo: fams


Date: 9 October 2015
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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