Wed, 24 April 2024

Public Profiles



Public Profile

Yoga Con Karin Di Montali Karin

At: Yoga con Karin di Montali KarinAddress: Via Ugo Betti 13 - 62032 Camerino - MC - IT
Tel: 339-5803350
Categories: Hatha (Yoga)
Activities:Meetings and events:0Web sites:1Videos:0Publications:0


Yoga con Karin is located in the medieval university town of Camerino in Le Marche in central Italy. The school aims to promote the knowledge and the practice of yoga as a means to improve health by offering its students daily yoga classes, special classes for senior citizens and yoga holidays throughout the year. The school provides all props for the yoga practice and has a library with books and magazines about yoga and Indian culture in general.


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