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Lay spirituality and life in the world

Lay spirituality and life in the world
I feel that for us, lay spiritualists, life "in the world" is most congenial, also because our research never goes beyond the self ... and the self is present everywhere and at all times ...

The individual "I" (ego) rises from the reflection of consciousness in the mirror of the mind. An identifying overlay with the observed object. The object is the body-mind that reacts in relation (to contact) with the other external objects.

The moment that, in self-knowledge, the fictitious identity with the agent disappears what remains is the pure awareness of the Self. It is therefore not necessary, for the purpose of realization, that the images - the world and the observer - disappear, it is sufficient that the false identity with the reflected object / subject (ego) disappears. This means that the world can safely continue to manifest itself not being perceived as a separate reality, more or less as a dream could be compared to the dreamer. At this point the Self and its manifestation are seen as the exact same thing while the sense of the separative ego (of the me and the other) is obliterated. After all, dualism is only ignorance of oneself.

The sage observes the actions taking place without there being any propensity or intention or judgment in him.

Spontaneously everything happens appropriately and consequently to the designated "destiny". Destiny is the answer to the natural interaction (and predisposition) of the various elements involved ... Since everything happens automatically there is no "preference" in the action of the sage. On the contrary, his own action is (apparently) intentional only in the eyes of the "others", since for the sage everything happens by itself.

Every event experienced simply happens in his presence and he is the silent and detached witness. His action (or state) can be compared to sleepwalking, or awake sleep.

Moreover, the concept of "destiny" and of action also makes sense only in the mind of the observer still identified with the outside, that is, of an ego that identifies itself with the agent and with his actions. But the moment - as already mentioned - that this identification is destroyed every other connected concept disappears.Wisdom consists in remaining immune from illusion after understanding the truth. The fear of action and its consequences (karma) remains only in those who see the slightest difference between themselves and others.

As long as the idea exists that the body / mind is the self, one can not be an expression of truth. But certainly it is possible for anyone, and in every condition, to know their true nature because it is absolutely true and real, it is the only one for everyone. In fact, the state of pure Being is common to all and is the direct experience of each one. To live one's true nature is meant by self-realization, since the self is present here and now.

The thought of feeling separate is the only obstacle to the realization of the all-pervading and omnipresent Being. And yet from the empirical point of view, identifying with the agent (ego) is an impediment to the proper functioning of the psychosomatic apparatus, in the context of global functioning. Thus the intellectual acceptance of truth is already a liberating form of intentional (rational) propensity to act. What is destined to happen will happen.

It is in the experience of everyone that getting involved in the question is a handicap to find the answer.

Paolo D'Arpini


Date: 22 June 2018Author: Paolo D'Arpini
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