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Self-knowledge is an adventure for a few "brave"

It is said that the path of self-knowledge requires great sacrifice and great courage. The first thing we must renounce in order to know ourselves is the acceptance of empirical knowledge. This empirical knowledge is not only the image we have of ourselves, it is also the known through faiths, science, religions, philosophies ... in short, all that we accept because it is part of culture and our "belief" . Being oneself requires the abandonment of preconceived ideas and the renunciation of the comfort of feeling accepted by others, and even the rejection of revolt and self-assertion. We do not rebel against the world or current thinking, but neither do we take them for real, for how they appear to us or for how they are described to us. The world is there and we, as observers, are there. But why should we conform to a "description"? At a judgment?

After all, self-knowledge is something very simple that does not require explanations or justifications and in truth it does not even require sacrifice or courage. He does not ask for anything...


Antony Flew, an atheist philosopher, supporter and advocate for decades of philosophical atheism, in 2004 publicly announced the renunciation of it. Usually it happens when our thinking is structured in "believing", not "knowing", and belief always gives way to doubt and fear, when the fear of dying takes over, in fact he left this world after a few years (in April 2010)

Philosopher or street man are equal in front to the extreme enemy (or "friend", as Don Juan used to say)

But how can one resist the inevitable? Either one accepts death as an aspect of life and therefore welcomes it as an inmate, like a birth, or one fears the judgment of God and philosophy is of little use, rather it is a greater burden than the blessed ignorance of the illiterate.

"People would do anything, however absurd, to avoid facing their conscience: practicing yoga, watching diets, learning theosophy by heart, mechanically repeating mystical texts of world literature, all because they can not be with themselves, and they do not believe in the least to be able to bring out something useful from their conscience. " (C.G. Jung)

Although it is basically simple and direct self-knowledge remains a search alien to most. People refuse to know each other, prefer mystery and ignorance, evidently because of those mental tendencies accumulated by the mind, crammed into memory and imagination.

Paolo D'Arpini


Date: 29 March 2018Author: Paolo D'Arpini
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