Wed, 24 April 2024




The memory of events in matter...

That there is an indisputable connection between energy emission and matter is a fact known to anyone, even before the discoveries of quantum physics. Suffice it to see the action of solar energy and its uptake useful for life processes on Earth ...

Energy and matter are closely interconnected and at a certain level indistinguishable from each other. And at the basis of their appearance in specific forms and ways there is the constant and continuous mutation, a sort of ups and downs that between one and the other polarity that allows the existence of the known universe.

According to I Ching, or Book Of Changes, creation occurs constantly through the meeting of Heaven and Earth, or Energy and Matter, Consciousness and Form, but this description is not only the prerogative of the I Ching, also other religions and philosophies (and even modern science) indicate movement, vibration or transformation as the prime factor that creates the world. The kinetic energy released through the change in the original static "quid" has propagated in an apparently infinite development that uses the conducting channels of space and time. Whether you call it Word, Om, Spirit or Tao is of little importance ...

From the point of view of empirical experience, based on observation in a space-time continuum and also according to the theory of the gradual creation of the universe, we imagine a "beginning" called Big Bang (the big bang) or "Creative Act" in which the static energy concentration reaches a critical phase of irrepressibility and a collapse follows (corresponding to the beginning of space time) which coincides with the manifestation projection in which energy takes shape, gradually, becoming matter. The gradualness and continuity of creation is measured through an "aspect" that always accompanies, we could even say records, the creative process. This aspect is immanent and transcendent and is the "consciousness", which is an integral part, a sort of intrinsic flavor or quality, of the energetic development in progress.

We can therefore safely say that "consciousness, energy and matter" are the same thing, as the time and space that appear and coexist complementarily. Without the duration in time and the expansion in space nothing could manifest itself and without consciousness and energy no form or entity would have meaning or existence. For this reason it is impossible to separate the manifestation from the awareness that sanctions it.

Each element, being the transformation into the infinite possibility of energy movements in space and time, retains a specific memory (or intelligence) which is necessary for the cohesion of its substance (or state of energy mutation if we want to use metaphysical terminology). This process of psychosomatization of the existing is simultaneously imprinted in a sort of "negative" that corresponds to the formula with respect to the experimental procedure in progress (we can also define it as "memory", "shadow" or "antithesis"). But it is not only a negative description, it is also a substratum, it is a constituent force that allows the manifest whole to maintain a shape and a name, in short, it makes it assume a specific identity.

And it is for this reason that specific archetypal forms, trigrams and hexagrams, are identified in the I Ching, useful for recognizing the energy aggregations in progress. In short, we can say that events repeat themselves, albeit in an evolutionary scale, in a sort of continuous gradient but attributable to an already known process. Hence also the concept of “psycho-history”, which is nothing other than the design memory constituting the phenomena, which remains imprinted in the results of active phenomenology: the vital processes. Therefore history is not that written in books, that of books is only a deceptive, partial and subjective documentation that describes the aspects perceived by some witnesses, or listeners of witnesses.

History as we know it is a shaky pseudo-truth, an almost imaginary description, told and corroborated (for speculative purposes) by the opinion of its editors. What we call history is at best the description of a realistic imaginative shared (more or less) by many (however a limited number of people).

But the truth cannot be partial, just as the integrity of our bodily existence cannot be broken up. In the sense that we cannot say “this organ or this appendix does not belong to me or is useless, the hair, nails and hair are not important because they grow and are eliminated without excessive damage…” or similar jokes. In fact, even if we almost always use the right hand for our actions we also need the left, if we become bald we consider it a defect, if the nails break even the fingers suffer from it, etc. In short, historical truth should correspond to a wholeness and this wholeness is given only by that subtle memory that remains imprinted in the constantly changing phenomenal forms.

This "memory", which at a vital level is defined as DNA, at a psychic level I call it "psychohistory", that is, the ability to read the automatic storage, the non-perceptible accounting record, present in all the events. And there is no separation whatsoever in any vital process, which manifests itself with our direct involvement or with an indirect one, in short, every element, physical or psychic, is influenced by the ongoing mutation. This logically also happens for the events on the face of the planet: an atomic bomb in Siberia affects the environmental conditions of Antarctica ...

So if we want to know the story, the real one, it is necessary to enter the storehouse of the vital mnemonic function, which is still present in a holographic key in each of us. In India this warehouse is called Akasha, Jung called it Collective Unconscious, esotericists call it Aura of the Earth.

How to draw on this mysterious and ever-present archive?
The answer lies in the question itself ... How does water know water? How does fire know fire? How do you know yourself?

Being it…! Only by being it ... Not as an observer who looks, but as a constituent substance of the current energy trend. Thus stripping ourselves of the separation that prevents us from perceiving the whole of which we are an integral part. In fact, those who are gifted with foresight or mediumship can perceive this total "memory" of the great magma of existence only by melting into that "consciousness". That is, renouncing the small separative identity of the ego that leads us to identify ourselves with the single molecule of the life process and to describe the existing within the narrow scope of the perceptible, limited to the circumscribed presence. This is often what happens not only in our minds but also in its by-products: official history, philosophy or religion and science.

Paolo D’Arpini


Date: 17 September 2020Author: Paolo D'Arpini
Credits Publisher: Paolo D'Arpini -
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