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The true layman is also true towards laity

The very meaning of "laity" prevents the assumption of a model, of a defined and specific thought. This also applies to the so-called Natural or Lay Spirituality, which is syncretic in the acceptance of various forms of thought but does not take on the role of some of them, it is held in suspension, in a condition of transcendence.

Obviously laity in order to be genuine must be detached even from the very concept of "laity" itsef or rather it must not consider this attitude of detachment as a prerequisite of truth.

This is understandable if we observe the various aspects of spirituality in the domain of direct experience and therefore of the indescribability of its cognitive process. In a certain sense, "laity" is a form of observation that denotes absolute freedom, a freedom that can never be enclosed in a description. And on the other hand, how could we ever describe the meaning of "self-awareness"?

But from the point of view of the intellect it is possible to evoke a certain "image", since the term "Lay Spirituality" represents in itself a concept, a container, in which to insert all those "free" forms of spirituality experienced by man: Taoism, Zen, non-dualism ...

We are aware that we are moving within the context of conceptualization, so we must refer to the first agent indicated with the idea of spirituality: the I.

If we start from the understanding of what is observed - external or internal - we cannot help but find that every "perception" takes place through the mind. The mind cannot be defined as physical, even if it uses the psychosomatic structure as an experiential basis, the nature of the mind is subtle, it is the same thought, and every thought has its root in the I. So the only subjective and objective reality through which we can say we are present is this Self.

Calling it "spirit" is a way to distinguish it from the tendency to identify with the body, and it is a way of reminding us that "consciousness" is our true nature. That I - or spirit - which is the only certainty we have, is the only thing worth knowing and realizing. Despite the projective capacity of the mind, capable of dividing itself into various forms, that root I can never separate from ourselves. The Self is absolute in everyone.

Then spirituality is the conscious pursuit of one's nature, one's self. Lay spirituality is the recognition of this process in whatever form it manifests itself.

There is equanimity and detachment, no proselytism on the method practiced (marginal appendix of the research). This vision has within itself a syncretic capacity but also an awareness of the insignificance of the specificity of the form in which the investigation is manifested. It is understood that each "mode" is only an expression of the same process in different phases. The path changes with the needs of the moment and with individual impulses.

It is sincerity, honesty, perseverance that matter. There are no thoughts, gestures, rites, doctrines to be privileged. Streams pass the source is perennial. Be what you are, said a sage from India, and one from the West replied: Know yourself. In this circle around the self, every road is good for being in a circle. But to go to the Center ...?

Do we need confirmation of our existence? Certainly not, because we know it without a doubt. Therefore this consciousness-existence cannot belong to any creed, it is not Masonic, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, it is the true and only "reality" shared by everyone. What is the point then of seeking a reply - in the form of a reflection - if it separates us in spirit? Labels are useless. And perhaps this one of Lay Spirituality is too, if it did not imply the futility of every label.

Paolo D’Arpini


Date: 20 October 2020Author: Paolo D'Arpini
Credits Publisher: Paolo D'Arpini
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