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The way back to one's true nature ...

The "recognition" of our true nature happens as in the passage from dream to wakefulness, it is natural and intrinsic in each of us. When we dream we are immersed in the dream and that is the only reality for us ... When the time of awakening arrives there are signs that make us perceive the imminent change of state. As if to say, we have a hint of the imminent exit from the illusion of the dream. Of course this is a simple analogy because in dream and waking, which are mental conditions, there is no true enlightenment and realization. That "awakening" of which I speak is the intimate indivisible essence, unapproachable by the mind, but its reality is intuitable and can be experienced in the state of pure awareness.

Various miracles and mysterious changes take place in the return process that drives every single being towards that pure awareness. The adaptation to the new states of consciousness always and in any case involves the whole body mass of the species, but in our human dimension we are used to the locomotive functioning, that is two steps forward and one backward, also called growth by trial and error. For this reason it seems that evolution lacks linearity and continuity. In our civilization we have experienced various moments that seemed paradisiacal, but which lacked a holistic understanding. A bit like what happens in the animal world where spontaneity reigns supreme but consciousness is lacking in self-awareness and in reason.

In short, we must be able to integrate intuition and reason into our functioning and this fact we can proceed to forget the experimental process in order to fully experience the experience in itself. Observer and observed cannot be separated.

To achieve this, religions advise the way of "loving your neighbor as yourself" as Gnostic philosophies lead to self-knowledge.

Let's not split these two ways, let's hold them tight like two oars of our boat that help us to come out of the quagmire of "dualism".

After all, how can we consider that something is outside of ourselves?

Paolo D’Arpini


Date: 17 October 2019Author: Paolo D'Arpini
Credits Publisher: Paolo D'Arpini
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