Sat, 20 April 2024





Bananas are better than sports drinks

Bananas may be a better choice than sports drinks after exercise, says a new study from Appalachian State University, North Carolina.

Researchers analysed the blood of 20 competitive cyclists after they were given either water and bananas, water only, or a 6 percent sugar beverage (which is similar to a sports drink) every 15 minutes during a 47-mile bike ride.

The study found that the carbohydrates in bananas work as well as sports drinks to fuel athletes and help them recover after exertion. But the researchers found an additional benefit. Bananas also provide greater anti-inflammatory benefits, they help reduce pain and swelling, mimicking how ibuprofen works in the body.

"Consuming bananas with water during exercise has several advantages for athletes and fitness enthusiasts above those linked to regular sports drinks, including a stronger anti-inflammatory effect, better nutrition and improved metabolic recovery," study author Dr. David Nieman, director of the Appalachian State University’s Human Performance Laboratory, said in a statement.

"Within an exercise context, banana metabolites that increase in the blood following ingestion have a similar effect to aspirin or ibuprofen. This makes bananas close to the perfect athletic food."

The study was published in the journal PLOS One.

Photo: Pinterest


Date: 13 April 2018
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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