Fri, 19 April 2024





Better Sleep With Cherries, Kiwis And Bananas

According to multiple studies, these three fruits can help you sleep better.

It was discovered that consuming two one-cup portions of Montmorency cherry juice daily resulted in the ability to fall asleep faster, more overall sleep time and significantly less awakenings.

The benefits may come from the fact that tart cherries have higher concentrations of melatonin, which is a hormone that regulates circadian rhythm. Tart cherry juice also increases the bioavailability of?tryptophan which has been found to decrease the time taken to fall asleep. The enzymes within the cherries keep the tryptophan in the body longer so not only do you fall asleep quicker but stay asleep longer.

It’s been hypothesized that the high antioxidant capacity, serotonin and folate content of kiwifruit may contribute to the observed sleep benefits of kiwifruit consumption. Serotonin is one of the key chemicals that is found in high doses in kiwis. It is an end product of L-tryptophan metabolism, which is related to rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and low levels may cause insomnia. Folate deficiencies can also lead to symptoms of insomnia and fatigue, thus the levels of folate in kiwis could improve sleep quality. It’s also been suggested that the anti-inflammatory antioxidants in kiwis, such as vitamin C and carotenoids, may be partly responsible for their sleep-promoting effects as well.

Bananas are widely known for having a lot of potassium. The hormones serotonin and melatonin that are produced as a result of these nutrients are key to falling asleep faster and staying asleep longer. Bananas contain also tryptophan, that cannot be produced by the body. Eating a banana helps to increase levels of the amino acid. Bananas are also a good source of magnesium, which supports a healthy circadian cycle, the body’s internal clock.

Photo: SN


Date: 6 January 2023
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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