Tue, 23 April 2024





Foods to avoid for pollen allergies

As many of us sadly know, pollen allergies are no joke. Up to 70 percent of those with pollen allergies experience unpleasant reactions after eating certain foods.

When certain fresh fruits and vegetables are consumed, typically during spring and early fall when inhalant allergies are more common, the body's immune system may mistake a plant protein for pollen, triggering what allergy specialists call a cross-reaction.

Itchy or swollen lips, tingling at the back of the throat and scratchiness on the roof of the mouth are some of the most common reactions.

For those allergic to pollens, you’ll want to avoid oranges, tomatoes, melons and figs. If you're allergic to weed pollens you should avoid bananas, cucumber, melons, courgettes, artichokes and teas of Echinacea, chamomile and hibiscus. Even apples, almonds, celery, strawberries and cherries may be at risk.

As a precaution, better eliminate or greatly reduce artificial additives and sweeteners, as they could potentially cause bronchial spasms and histamine reactions of the eyes, ears, nose, throat and skin.

But you can counterattack, boosting your immune system. The weaker your immunity, the more likely your body will experience a cross reaction. Drink plenty of water, exercise daily, get at least 7 hours of sleep a night and supplement with anti-oxidants (under the care of a doctor or nutritionist).

Photo: Vital


Date: 20 April 2018
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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