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Liquorice with Moderation

Black liquorice is a treat, but it should be eaten in moderation.

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), if you’re 40 or older, eating two ounces of black liquorice a day for at least two weeks could cause an irregular heart rhythm.

Liquorice is an extract from the root of a woody shrub Glycyrrhiza glabra, which grows in subtropical climates. The plant contains glycyrrhizic acid (GZA) and has ancient uses in traditional and herbal medicine. In Egypt and China, it was used to treat many ailments, including coughs, stomach ulcers, liver disease and constipation.

Sometimes liquorice can do harm. Consumption of large doses of GZA can lead to dangerously lower levels of potassium (hypokalemia) and serious hypertension. This syndrome is known as hypermineralocorticoidism or occasionally "liquorice poisoning."

Other symptoms can include weakness and headache, swelling and muscle spasms. Symptoms typically go away once you stop eating liquorice.

Black liquorice can also interact with some medications, herbs and dietary supplements. Check with your doctor if you have questions about possible interactions.

Photo: Resume


Date: 15 December 2017
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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