Fri, 19 April 2024





New Year’s Resolution To Actually Keep

As Nicola Alpe writes, “New Year's resolutions are universally loathed. Even the best of intentions are often ditched by February”.

But Alpe’s list of resolutions could really make a difference in our everyday life.

Go to bed earlier - enough sleep would keep us from becoming dehydrated and zombie-like.

Get up earlier - this is possible by implementing the first one. It will allow time for some personal space, like writing a journal, meditating, doing some yoga.

Be of service - especially now, in this time of physical distancing and anxiety. Have a chat with an elderly neighbour over your fence, with your mask on. Or try some voluntary work. There is a lot of need right now and your action could be precious.

Get outside - Nature being your first ally when it comes to mood and for putting thing in perspective.

Be content - even in the midst of growing practical problems, there are blessings around you to be grateful of.

Photo: SN


Date: 1 January 2021
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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