Wed, 24 April 2024





The Will To Be Creative

Creativity is usually associated with freedom from inhibition, the surfacing of unconscious thoughts and feelings. But the conscious mind and will might play an important role too.
According to a new research, creativity could be associated with higher levels of executive functioning, that is the capacity of the mind to control processes.
This enables us to inhibit irrelevant information and combining the rest in novel ways - with creative results. You can use this mental control to make yourself perform more creatively.
The study conducted by David Rosen and his team from Drexel University was based on the experience of jazz musicians. With the help of 22 mostly male pianists, the researchers were able to establish that the participants could actively boosting their creative performance, if required to do so.
Expert players seem to find a balance between mental control and the automatic, uncontrolled mental processes usually associated with creativity. Freedom and control seem to be equally important.
The study was published in Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts.

Photo: C.P.


Date: 1 May 2020
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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