Fri, 19 April 2024





Tired? Try Squatting

According to health experts, we should embrace squatting as a habit throughout the day, instead of sitting when we feel tired.

Sitting and standing, if prolonged, can both affect our health and mobility. A lifetime of wearing restrictive footwear and sitting in a chair led many of us in urban industrialised societies even unable to squat properly. Children squat while they play as a way to rest in between games or even just to take a closer look at the world beneath their feet. Yet outside of a yoga studio, you're unlikely to see anyone over the age of 10 hanging out in a squat position. 

Actually squatting regularly and properly can help improve our range of motion and strengthen muscles throughout the lower body. It gives relief to the spine stretching all back muscles, improving blood circulation and balance, benefitting hip, knee and ankle motion.

Photo: Wellness Revolution


Date: 1 December 2017
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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