Thu, 25 April 2024





“Win the Morning, Win the Day”

The group Win the Morning, Win the Day was set up last year in the UK by Chris Reeves, a physical training instructor in the Royal Navy. He had struggled with isolation and lack of structure to his days throughout the first lockdown, and knew others must be feeling the same. After hearing a podcast with the mixed martial arts fighter Mark Scanlon, talking about the 5.30am circuit training sessions and sea swims he was running in Liverpool, Reeves decided to create his own.

Scanlon used the phrase “win the morning, win the day”, which is what Reeves decided to call the group. It’s a mantra popularised by the US entrepreneur and productivity guru Tim Ferriss, which has become popular in motivational circles. Ferriss interviewed a wealth of high-achieving people about their morning routine, with the idea that if you get your morning right (if you “win” it), it’s a good start to the rest of the day.

His own morning rituals include making his bed and journaling; for the British group, it’s more about walking, talking, stripping off, going for a quick dip, then having coffee and more chat afterwards.

In the first week, just over a year ago, 60 people turned up to join Reeves. His group has since spawned others in Surrey, Kent, Preston, Cumbria, Manchester, and Southsea, across the water in Portsmouth. There’s one in Gibraltar, he says, and another in South Africa. Two people have been in touch with Reeves this week to talk about setting up groups. It’s a little like parkrun, the 5km run that takes place in parks around the world every weekend – a simple idea, organised by enthusiastic volunteers.

Photo: SN


Date: 15 October 2021
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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