Wed, 08 May 2024




Deep ecology, bioregionalism and easy biology...

Ecologia profonda
... Some well-directed and determined economic potentates have - from the last sixty years onwards - forced the agricultural system to depend on chemical fertilizers and herbicide and pesticide poisons.

Little by little all the land and all the aquifers will be polluted. Water will become a very precious commodity and agriculture, which until a few years ago was a source of nourishment for man, will become the cause of its ruin. Furthermore, the possession of patented seeds and the transformation of the environment will lead to unspeakable famines and the extermination of entire populations.

Who cares about all this? It is not just a mechanism of economic exploitation, behind it there is a sort of strategic plan for world domination. But let's see how this torment began. It all began with the victory of the American system which exported the food criterion based on the separation of the traditional agricultural model all over the world. The split is based on the increase in meat consumption.

Having removed the animals from the countryside and locked them up in intensive farming, thus having created a fracture between the traditional peasant world which lived in symbiosis with the presence of animals in the fields, and having transformed both agricultural production and breeding into an industrial production sector, the first separation is created in that delicate vital organism which until the middle of the last century had allowed the maintenance of a delicate balance: man, nature, animals. He split the two halves of a single cell, that is, that of the co-presence and symbiosis between animal and plant life.

It was thus possible to proceed to the next alienating step: the increase in the breeding of meat animals with industrial systems and the contemporary agricultural development essentially based on the monoculture system. To feed the animals that are no longer part of the natural system, we have moved on to the creation of special crops intended for their fattening, with foods that the animals would never have found in nature, having previously been accustomed and predisposed to consuming herbs in the field.

Not only did the animals feed on wild herbs but they contributed to the direct fertilization of the funds and to the rest of the land which thus underwent a cycle of different uses and rest. The problem of so-called weeds did not exist, everything was part of the normal progression of natural life.

But once the animals were removed from the fields and we had to make the most of the productive capacity of the same land, it was inevitably necessary to resort to the use of artificial fertilizers and herbicides. Furthermore, this process grew as the need for meat increased, also having to satisfy the needs of a growing number of people who entered the consumerist mechanism.

And access to quantities of food never before obtained with traditional systems has simultaneously increased the human presence on the planet. The more humans grow, the more meat is consumed, the more agricultural land is needed, the more forests are cut down, the more chemical fertilizers and poisons are used.

The human plague is plaguing the planet to its core. And as if that wasn't enough, food production is increasingly passing into private hands, it is becoming an economic affair carefully controlled by multinationals, the same ones that participate in world finance, and these multinationals have production in their hands and can therefore create controlled food crises. to maintain real control over the population of the globe. Famines are now a weapon in the hands of economic powers. Among other things, pollution means that drinking water has become a rarity and a source of further speculation. On a planet made up of three quarters of water, it is now said that "there is no water"...

In truth, water is not lacking but it has been poisoned by the chemical agricultural system, by industrial farming and by the human sewage system and we finally see that we are digging our own grave, that we are choking ourselves with our own hands.

And who is pushing to do it? The consumerist system and the famous multinationals that control the food cycle and everything that moves on the face of the earth.

Paolo D'Arpini - Italian Bioregional Network


Date: 17 April 2024Author: Paolo D’Arpini – Rete Bioregionale Italiana
Credits Publisher: /2024/04/deep-ecology-bioregionalism-and-easy.html
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