Sun, 28 April 2024




Life is transformation

Life adapts to the environment but the environment is also a consequence of life, from which it can be deduced that they are the same thing. In fact we can say that our body is made up of 75% water, 10% earth, minerals, etc. but if life were not already present in these elements in germinal form, how could it manifest itself, that is, make the organism alive?

Thus we discover that the only quality that can attest to material existence is the consciousness that arises from it but it can also be said that it is consciousness that establishes material existence. From this double inference we can deduce the triangulation of "matter-life-consciousness" as an expression of the same vital process. These three aspects of life are in continuous and constant transformation, they are like the slides of a kaleidoscope, the rotation causes them to appear in myriads of colored shapes. All it takes is an imperceptible movement in any of these basic elements (a change of genetic rule) that a new form is created.

At the same time, and strictly speaking, none of these forms is created from scratch, as the basic physical and psychic law testifies that nothing is created and nothing is destroyed but everything is transformed, and in fact the various vital forms are nothing more than “transformations” - as Lavoisier rightly stated. Among other things, even in the Upanishads, the ancient Vedic texts of ten thousand years, it is said: "From everything everything is born, if you take everything away from everything everything remains". In short, it is not possible to create or destroy life, it is omnipresent and omnipervading, energy in constant transmutation.

From this awareness arises the stimulus to celebrate life or rather "The Cycle of Life" in places where the presence of society, human and animal uses and customs is recognized. These places which are the natural environment that surrounds us, are a vital whole, in which history, subsistence, progeny, recreational and cultural activities have taken place and continue to manifest themselves. The cycle of life takes place in the interval between death and rebirth of the natural process, corresponding to conservation and sowing, waiting for the next germination.

Paolo D'Arpini -


Date: 8 March 2023Author: Paolo D'Arpini
Credits Publisher: /2023/02/life-is-transformation-la-vita-e.html
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