Thu, 25 April 2024





A New Toothbrush

Yes, of course you care for your loved ones. That's precisely why it is not a good idea to share a toothbrush with them. For their own sake, and for yours.

Even better: get out and buy a new toothbrush. Right now. Your current one probably contains faeces, herpes or even the virus responsible for hepatitis.

According to experts, within just two days toothbrushes can become heavily infected with disease-causing bacteria, viruses and fungi, no matter where you keep it.

With the mouth harbouring hundreds of different types of microorganisms, some of them are bound to be transferred to a toothbrush during use. Microorganisms in the bathroom or household environment may also collect on a stored toothbrush, especially after the toilet has been flushed. And there is also the risk of cross contamination, if you store the toothbrushes all together in the same mug.

Unfortunately, just rinsing a toothbrush under running water from the tap is not enough to remove germs. Herpes and hepatitis A, B and C can be transferred, as studies have shown that they can survive for months on a toothbrush.

The best strategy is thus to buy frequently new ones. To store them upright by themseves. And to close the lid of the toilet while flushing, to avoid droplets of contaminated humidity to spread in the environment - and on your toothbrush.

Photo: Contacts


Date: 3 February 2017
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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