Fri, 26 April 2024





A Solution is Needed

Swinoujscie is a Polish town on the Western border with Germany, now in the spotlights for a sad reason: its population of around 50 homeless people.

According to the local authorities, their shacks and shelters near the beach put off tourists and the city's image suffers. In the attempt to get rid of them, officials made them an offer of a one-way train ticket to make them go away.

Only three of the city's homeless residents have so far accepted the offer.

The scheme has been slammed by one member of parliament, who says it sounds like a grim joke. "I don't want to believe someone could think of something like this, rather than looking for other solutions to help the homeless". On social media "They have become homeless because they had no job," says one of the many commentators. "It is terrible to see government positions destroying everything humane in people."

Photo: Common Dreams


Date: 7 March 2015
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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