Thu, 25 April 2024





Amazonite, a Filter

Its beautiful aqua colour is a soothing element in itself, but there is much more to amazonite than its appearance.

It can be considered a filter. Its presence absorbs the emanations of cellphones, microwaves and other negative electromagnetic disturbances. On another level it filters the intellectual activity of the brain, helping to reduce negative influences with a harmonising effect.

Amazonite is a soothing stone. Balancing different aspects of your personality, it nurtures all components of a whole to achieve a unity made of a rich spectrum. Through amazonite that special form of energy that is universal love can manifest itself.

Heart and throat chakras benefit of its presence. Osteoporosis and calcium imbalances generally are positively affected. It soothes nervous stress and muscle spasm.

Wear it as a jewel or place it near domestic appliances and computers.

Photo: Healing


Date: 19 April 2015
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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