Fri, 26 April 2024





Anxiety? Try This…

Anxiety can damage your nervous system because it puts you on a constant 'high alert' when you shouldn't be.

Making sure your nerves are fed with the right foods can help limit the damage, making them better equipped to deal with the potential unbalance of a stressed individual.

For the non vegetarians, fish provides a good supply of vitamins of the B group. Vitamin B12 in particular can make sure you are able to produce enough serotonin which can help combat depression and improves your sleep. These vitamins, plus a dose of magnesium for your mood are provided by almonds. They also offer vitamin E against free radicals.

Bananas contain an important amino acid called tryptophan that is converted into serotonin, and potassium to normalise your heart rate. Oranges, that are starting to appear on the market for the new season, are great agains cortisol, the stress-induced hormone. Vitamin C will help your immune system, one of the first victims of stress.

And, above all, get loads of broccoli on your plate. This wonder of nature is a mine of nutrients. Don't neglect it and you'll feel its benefits on your wellbeing and mood.

Photo: Good Housekeeping


Date: 2 October 2014
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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