Fri, 26 April 2024





Aromatic Dill From The North

During the Middle Ages, people used dill to defend against witchcraft and enchantments. Used as a traditional remedy for a vast array of ailments, the sweet flavour of Anethum graveolens is a typical seasoning in recipes of Northern Europe and Russia.

Both he leaves and the seeds of dill are used for culinary purposes. They contain essential oils like dillapiol, d-carvone, limonene, eugenol, myristicin and terpinene, with a stimulating effect. They activate the secretion of bile and digestive juices and the peristaltic motion of the intestine, easing the passage of bowel movements and relieving constipation.

Eugenol provides therapeutic benefits, due to its antiseptic and anaesthetic properties. This essential oil is also helpful in reducing the levels of blood sugar, thus making it beneficial for individuals with diabetes.

The flavonoids and vitamin-B complex present in the oils, activate the secretion of certain enzymes and hormones that have calming and hypnotic effects, thereby helping people get a good night’s sleep. The flavonoids can also stimulate the secretion of certain hormones that help maintain proper menstrual cycles in women.

Dill has long been associate with antimicrobial activity, and it has been shown to prevent a number of microbial infections throughout the body.

Hiccups can be caused by repeated upward movement of trapped gases through the food pipe. Other causes can be allergies, hyperactivity and nervous malfunctioning. Dill can actually help in all of these situations. A carminative, dill helps the expulsion of gases and also reduces gas formation while helping to calm down an overexcited system.

Dill is known to have high amounts of monoterpenes which have been documented and shown to have properties associated with attacking and limiting the growth of cancer cells within the body.

Dill also contains high amounts of calcium and is therefore considered a very effective herbal supplement for helping strengthen the bones in the human body.

Photo: Asia Seeds - Hortipedia


Date: 26 June 2016
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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