Fri, 26 April 2024





Astrology For The British Health Service

A Conservative MP, David Tredinnick, has called for the National Health Service in Britain to use astrology to help treat patients.

Speaking to the Astrological Journal, Mr. Tredinnick dismissed critics of astrology.

“I do believe that astrology and complementary medicine would help take the huge pressure off doctors. Astrology is a useful diagnostic tool enabling us to see strengths and weaknesses via the birth chart,” he said.

“Astrology offers self-understanding to people. Astrology may not be capable of passing double-blind tests but it is based on thousands of years of observation. Astrology was until modern times part of the tradition of medicine. I think it is a great pity that so many scientists today are dismissive of right-side brain energy, such as intuition."

Photo: Wikipedia


Date: 28 February 2015
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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