Thu, 25 April 2024





Avocado and Apple Vinegar for Your Head

If you're at loss about what to do against dandruff, you may try one of these two remedies. Their advantage, if compared with medical shampoos, is that being made with natural ingredients, their potential side effects are non-existent. And they work. Here they are.

Avocado has been described as a beauty powerhouse. Packed with nutrients, its creamy pulp will blend nicely with a few drops of argan oil and two tablespoons of honey. Add 5 drops of tea tree oil for an anti fungal effect - most dandruff problems are of fungal origin. The mixture can be massaged on the scalp, left there for about 10 minutes and then removed. Wash your hair normally after the application with a mild shampoo.

Another recipe that is likely to give you results is even simpler: one cup of apple cider vinegar diluted in the same amount of water and the treatment after the shampoo is ready. Put it in a spray bottle and vaporise it on your hair after washing. Rinse with simple water and you'll be surprised: there will be no need for a conditioner.

Photo: Vrouwen


Date: 25 October 2014
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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