Fri, 19 April 2024





Baby Foods Are Too Sweet

What do apple, banana, tomato, mango, carrot and potato have in common? They have a sweet taste.

This is probably why the majority of baby food producers use them instead of more bitter tasting ingredients like spinach or other green vegetables.

This is the idea of a new study carried out by the University of Glasgow, investigating the development of taste in babies.

The lack of variety is unlikely to promote the development of bitter tastes in youngsters, according to the authors of the report. They said parents should be encouraged to offer home-cooked vegetables to promote a wider range of tastes in their children.

According to Dr Ada Garcia, who led the research, "Taste learning requires parents to introduce their children to less palatable bitter tastes and keep offering them. However, it is probably unrealistic to expect commercial products to assist in this process.”

Photo: Familii


Date: 2 September 2015
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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