Thu, 25 April 2024





Botswana Agate, Possibility And Hope

Layers over layers of gentle colours wrapped around a soft gray core - this is the typical aspect of this beautiful stone. An "eye" formation in Botswana Agate is both protective and considered especially lucky.

Two main theme develop from Botswana Agate. One of them is possibility as a way for reality to develop in something positive with the help of its slow, powerful vibration. Also called the 'change stone', it has the mystical property of supporting transitions. From big changes to small, everyday shifts, all painful changes can be softened by its presence, as Botswana Agate is able to offer gentle strength to those in need of it.

Another important theme of Botswana Agate is its power to shift your focus from a problem to its possible solution. Not a minor change of vision, as it offers insight linked to creativity. Both are needed in order to overcome seemingly impassable obstacles, and in helping you to find a solution Botswana Agate releases all its soothing, encouraging potential. Also addictions and other self-harming behaviours are counteracted by this stone. Hope is definitely one of its most remarkable gifts.

Agate in general promotes inner stability, composure, and maturity. Their warm, protective properties encourage security and self-confidence. But Botswana Agate has a particularly positive influence on those that feel marginalised, suffer from fears and phobias or are under the destructive spell of destructive mental pattern.

Artists can benefit from its presence, as it boosts the capacity of visualizing the unknown with stronger and deeper intuition while maintaining a clear, logical mind. Emotional responses can thus be experienced in full and later analysed.

Botswana Agate is particularly effective for treating the underlying causes of illness rather than the symptoms. It may be used to treat depression and stress.

Botswana Agate is also a stone of sensuality considered as the body's appreciation for the richness of the world that surrounds us with its wonders. It was used in Africa for fertility ceremonies, to encourage potency and the conception of strong, healthy offspring.

In crystal healing it is said to be generally beneficial to the nervous system and to the immune system. It can help rid the body of toxins and supports the fast and correct healing of broken bones, while aiding the whole body in oxygen assimilation.

Photo: Anita Beads


Date: 7 February 2016
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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