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Clean Arteries With Coffee

Korean researchers say drinking coffee may help people avoid clogged arteries.

In their study they took in consideration more than 25,000 male and female employees who underwent routine health checks at their workplace.

Employees who drank a moderate amount of coffee - three to five cups a day - were less likely to have early signs of heart disease on their medical scans.

These results seem to add fresh data to the debate about coffee as a possible cause of heart risk factors, such as raised cholesterol or blood pressure, or as a beverage that can offer some heart protection.

The scan the researchers used looks for tiny deposits of calcium in the walls of the coronary arteries to provide an early clue that this disease process may be occurring. The researchers then compared the scan results with the employees' self-reported daily coffee consumption, while taking into account other potential heart risk factors such as smoking, exercise and family history of heart problems.

People who drank a few cups of coffee a day were less likely to have calcium deposits in their coronary arteries than people who drank more than this or no coffee at all.

The study authors say more research is needed to confirm and explain the link.

Photo: Alpha Coders


Date: 4 March 2015
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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