Fri, 26 April 2024





Dangerous Combinations

A global task force of 174 scientists from 28 countries looked at 85 chemicals that aren't considered cancer-causing in humans. They reviewed the effects of those chemicals against the mechanisms that are important for cancer development and found that 50 of those chemicals could be combined to trigger changes that could lead to cancer.

Many sorts of chemicals have been linked in one way or another to an increased risk of cancer. We've all heard of the potential dangers of BPA and phthalates, DDT and triclosan.

The new years-long review shows that there are dozens of potentially dangerous substances around us. Each chemical may not be dangerous on its own, but when they interact, the combined chemicals can become worrisome.

Among the chemicals noted were the medications acetaminophen and phenobarbital, butyltins, found in some disinfectants, and titanium dioxide, found in some sunscreens.

The findings were published in the journal Carcinogenesis.

Photo: Assets


Date: 1 July 2015
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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