Thu, 25 April 2024





Detox For The Mind

Imagine a week without smartphone, Wi-Fi, pens and books, PC, tablet, Tv. And without talking.

This is what a silent meditation retreat demands. Not an easy task.

The retreats organized by Guy Burgs in Ibiza are, as a witness says, "a compelling mixture of psychology, science, philosophy, spiritual teachings and even stand-up comedy. We were allowed to break our silence for questions during these, and there were also regular exercise sessions to split up the day. Eating in silence felt awkward to start with but it became blissful; you really notice how excellent the food tastes when you don’t have to think about what you’re going to say next."

“It works like a detox,” explains Burgs. “As soon as you stop bombarding the body with new stuff, it’s able to start clearing out the accumulated toxins. The mind works the same way. One of the reasons we seek stimulation is because we don’t want to be with how we feel."

“Either we reduce this stimulation and rediscover the sense of inner peace we may have lost, or we develop new levels of mental stability and robustness. Meditation can teach both.”

Photo: Buena Salud


Date: 24 November 2014
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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