Tue, 16 April 2024





Herbs Against Insects

There are easy-to-find herbs, available at most nurseries, that are said to repel mosquitoes and other annoying insects.

The smell from fragrant herbs is the result of the distribution of tiny globules that contain oils. High temperatures cause the globules to become volatile, evaporating the essential oils that may form a barrier that insects are unwilling to trespass.

Flies and mosquitoes have an acute dislike for basil, while lavender is traditionally used to keep also moths and fleas at bay - that’s why it was kept in clothes drawers.

Lemongrass is the plant that gives us the essential oil called citronella, the most common alternative to chemical insect repellents.

Mint and lemon thyme, together with rosemary are also effective. In absence of a garden or enough space for plants, try the essential oils.

Photo: Sharp


Date: 4 May 2016
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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