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How (un)Healthy Is Your Job?

Scientists at the US Public Health Service have uncovered the least healthy professions, with people working in sales, office support, service roles and the food industry faring the worst.

Researchers looked at data from 5,566 employed men and women, who did not have a history of heart disease or stroke at the beginning of the study.

Studies show those aged over 45 are more likely to suffer heart disease and stroke if they work in sales, office support or service occupations, while four out of five office workers did not do enough physical activity.

According to the study, food industry workers had the worst diets, with 79 per cent regularly grazing on poor quality fare, while nine out of 10 police and firefighters (90 per cent) were overweight or obese.

Transport workers were the heaviest smokers out of all the occupation groups, with more than one in five (22 per cent) lighting up regularly.

Those in management or professional roles had better heart health than the rest, but 72 per cent of white collar workers in the finance and business sector had poor dietary habits.

Researchers said stress was often a key reason why workers failed to prioritise their health, but small changes such as going for a walk during lunchbreaks and taking the stairs instead of the lift, all make a positive difference to overall health and wellbeing.

Photo: League Against Obesity


Date: 10 March 2016
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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