Fri, 26 April 2024





Let's Keep Mosquitoes Away

Hot weather is pleasant not only for us: a lot of insects thrive in the warmth, mosquitoes included.

If you are looking for a natural remedy to protect your skin from bites, try a lotion made of three simple ingredients.

Mix two essential oils, lemongrass and eucalyptus and rub them on your skin. They have both a wonderful aroma, it will be very pleasant to have them wafting around you. But mosquitoes won't appreciate them at all and may decide to leave you in peace. If you wish to dilute them, choose an oil that acts as a carrier, like almond oil. If this is too greasy, go for sunflower or coconut oil instead.

Another old remedy to keep mosquitoes at bay has unfortunate side effects. Eating a lot of garlic will discourage all sort of insects from coming near you. But it may have the very same effect on your friends and family. It will do only for hermits and misanthropists.

Photo: Oils and Plants


Date: 21 June 2014
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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