Sat, 20 April 2024





No Bananas For Breakfast

According to nutritionists, bananas have a good reputation due to their high levels of potassium, fibre and magnesium, But they are not a good option for breakfast.

A banana is made up of around 25 per cent sugar, and the sweetness, paired with their moderate levels of acidity, can give an initial sugar boost - followed by a mid-morning crash.

To add to the problem, bananas aren't the best for digestive health. Sugar, in any form, undergoes a process of fermentation, turning into acid in the body. This can clog up the digestive system. The metabolism of sugar can be lowed down by pairing the fruit with healthy fat that will neutralise the acid, such as peanut butter or low-sugar yoghurt.

Photo: Tvorbis


Date: 27 August 2016
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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