Fri, 26 April 2024





No Hugs Please

Dogs and humans - a love story. But their body language is different.

There are a few things we should keep in mind when dealing with our dog. For example, they hate hugs. We as humans tend to communicate affection, solidarity, closeness with a hug. But our hug translated in canine body language means actually prevarication: a hug is an act of dominance no matter what your intentions are. This simple equation is likely to be at the origin of those incidents where toddlers are bitten by a dog.

Dogs don't talk. But they detect lies. They clearly understand all nuances and undertones of a speech directed to them, but if you really want to communicate with them use your entire body. During the millennia of acquaintance with the human race, they developed the skill of figuring out what you think simply by reading all subtleties of your body talk. That's why lying won't work with them. Ever.

Photo: Pophangover


Date: 18 June 2015
Credits Publisher: Spiritual News

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